
Venice’s Bold Step to Combat Overtourism

Starting August 1, 2024, Venice implemented new rules in what is described as another crucial step in the fight against overtourism. This includes having a maximum of 25 people on guided tours; this measure aims to reduce the overcrowding that has been consistent in the city for quite some time. The city's local authorities have also forbidden tourist guides from using loudspeakers to save residents' peace and to allow easy pedestrian movement in the city.

Non-compliance with these rules will result in a fine of 25 to 500 euros. Initially, it was decided to start the enforcement in June, but it got delayed until August so that it could be implemented more smoothly. This has given the city more time to prepare and communicate the new rules effectively to visitors and tour operators.

These regulations also include the territory of the Municipality of Venice, within which there is a historic city centre and three small islands: Murano, Burano, and Torcello. These islands have a peculiar charm in their own way and thus could not be left outside the context of cultural heritage. This decision sets a course for preserving the uniqueness of these areas. It makes them pleasantly viable for coming generations of tourists.

Despite these strict controls, there are some exceptions. Children under two years do not count in the group size limit—this tends to accommodate the reality of families traveling. Students’ visits and educational trips are also outside the bounds of these limits, recognising the value of tourism to education.

Ayushi Anand

A post-graduate in journalism and mass communication, Ayushi is a digital writer who has worked with several Indian media organisations, including Times Internet Limited, Zee Media Corporation Limited and Burda Luxury in the news, lifestyle and entertainment space. When she’s not on her desk, she can be found dancing, trying new restaurants or packing her bags to explore a new destination.

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