TAAI Central and South Maharashtra Chapter Re-Elects Leadership for 2024–26
The Travel Agents Association of India recently held its chapter meetings and elections nationwide for the 2024–26 term. TAAI Central and South Maharashtra Chapter had unanimously re-elected its leadership team.

Mehboob Shaikh of Travel Elect India will continue as chairman, his second term in a row. Yazdi Marker from Upcurve Consumer Technologies will continue to function as Honorary Secretary. At the same time, Zakir Sayed Husaini of Wonder Travels will be the Honorary Treasurer.
Re-election of all of them means that the belief of the Chapter in its leadership is strong; it becomes a testimony of stability and good governance as the travel industry enters into challenges and opportunities in the future.
The leadership team will be better positioned for the resumption of the strategic initiatives, member engagement works, and efforts in industry growth. Their accumulated experience and vision make sure that they smoothly sail through the change in environments of the travel sector efficiently.