Seychelles’ Victoria Clock Tower Set for Complete Renovation
The 121-year-old Victoria Clock Tower, a key landmark of Seychelles is set to be renovated completely by the original British manufacturer.

According to the government, the clock tower, in Victoria, the capital of Seychelles is one of the island nation’s most iconic features and a landmark among the oldest monuments in the country, has never been renovated.
“With the right technical expertise, materials and the support of an international consultant, this project will ensure that lorloz (clock tower in Creole) continues to stand as a proud symbol of the town’s history and legacy,” said Cecile Kalebi, Permanent Secretary for Culture, SNICHA.
“The clock is in very good condition for its age. It is 121 years old and has not had a full refurbishment. So planning is key to minimise the disruption on the actual process,” said Coombes-Winyard, an expert from Gillett and Johnston.
“The implementation of this project is one with great urgency to prevent further deterioration and to maintain its historical and cultural significance,” said Benjamine Rose, Executive Director, the Seychelles National Heritage Resource Council (SNHRC).
Kalebi revealed that the institute will document the whole restoration process throughout the stages and this would be featured in an exhibition to coincide with the unveiling of the renovated clock tower.